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2016 Optimize Liquid / Liquid Separations in Petrochemical and Chemical Plants

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June 2017
Screen Changers vs High Area Filter Systems in Polymer Melt Filtration (EMEA)

化工过滤_化工过滤器_聚合物过滤/分离-颇尔中国官网 在线研讨会系列

Join us for a FREE webinar:

If you are struggling to decide which filter system is right for your polymer melt application, you are not alone. Join us as we explain key characteristics and differences between Screen Changers and Pall’s High Area Filter Systems.


In just 45 minutes, we'll cover:

  • What screen changers are and how they work
  • Pall's High Area Continuous Polymer Filtration Technology
  • Critical factors to consider when making filtration system decisions
  • Comparisons of Screen Changers vs. High Area Filter systems


We'll also answer specific questions during a live Q&A following the presentation.
